James L. Moore & Teia A. Moore
There Is "MOORE" to the story......
For James Moore, reading is merely entertainment. He enjoys reading for a purpose and to understand what is often misunderstood. For Teia Moore (Acker), reading was a childhood challenge. While struggling to do so for many years, Teia found reading rewarding - almost as if she had accomplished a goal.
From the onset of their relationship, reading has played an intricate role in their chemistry. "He reads to know "Moore"..... I read to gain an understanding. Together, we engage in the best discussions ever" ~ Teia Moore (Acker). The concept of "Moore Books, LLC" came about after witnessing our six children sitting around discussing books. After several trips to the library and many road trips to hear authors such as T.D. Jakes and John Maxwell, the two decided to aid in the betterment of others through the gift of reading.
Being an avid supporter of small businesses and entrepreneurs, the couple decided to also feature local authors as well.
"Moore Books, LLC." believes reading empowers people. It offers them empathy to live in the shadow of others while discovering themselves. It provides an advancement in education and various methods to improving one’s life. The goal of the store is to provide affordable means for others to enjoy some of the greatest literary, contemporary and various genres of work our world has been awarded to have.