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The old spiritual song lifts you, but you are tired. Or maybe you're bored. You're still going to church. You're still praying. You're still serving. You're still giving. Deep within you, faith remains. But you feel a longing.

You're not seeking fireworks. You're not a pew sitter, safe in some spiritual comfort zone, looking for a thrill from the Lord. Your trust in God is secure. But you feel a longing for something more, deeper, fresher.

If you've ignored these innermost feelings, thinking they're no big deal, this basic yet dynamic program that Bishop Vashti McKenzie has implemented in more than 200 churches with astounding results is for you. Individuals who have had many years of Christian life discovered a renewed sense of calling and purpose. Even new believers were invigorated in their faith-building process.


Bishop McKenzie prescribes very small changes - such as adding a mere 30 seconds of prayer daily - that lead to radical closeness to God. And building an enjoyable, meaningful relationship with the Almighty doesn't mean striving for perfection. Small steps - but meaningful steps - collectively evolve into intimacy with God. And the big-deal result is greater ability to biblically address life's challenges. The big deal is that you're even more available to serve family, church, and community: truly in "no ways tired". Increasing spirituality is incremental, not monumental. Mustard seed-like increases in positive actions (and corresponding decreases in negative ones) yield mountain-moving growth!

The Big Deal of Taking Small Steps To Move Closer To God by Vashti McKenzie

SKU: Hardcover
$15.00 Regular Price
$5.00Sale Price
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